Thursday, July 18, 2013

Positive Praise!

I think positive praise is SO important in any classroom.  This isn't news to any good teacher, but I think it is also important to remember to share that praise with the parents as well.  I created these notepads on VistaPrint, but you could really do this with anything.  Whenever my students do something great like do well on a quiz, help out a friend, or improve on something than I write out a quick note to share with them.  Not only does this make them feel great, but they can take it home to share with their parents.  

All too often we share only negative things with parents and that can foster a negative working relationship with them.  If we make more of an effort to also share positive things, they will be more likely to work with us on difficult situations in the future.  This is something I am really trying to work on and my goal for this year is to do more of sharing my students' praises!

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